Originally Posted by maupassant
Hi there.
This is to let you know that the latest update to the YAAS mod has broken something.
It seems the medals are not aligned to the left anymore when a member has a long user title ? I uploaded two pictures to show you. The medals for user title "SFK's Prince Consort are aligned properly, but not the ones for "Super Moderator of the Round Table". Also, only 5 medals per line now ? All medals were on the same line before. It looks very bad now.
Can you please fix it ? Or please send me a link to the previous version I had (I think it was 4.0.4). Thank you.
EDIT : I found the 4.0.4 version on another forum.
EDIT #2 : It's the 4.0.6 version that brought the bad change.
Still hoping you will fix it though.
I am still running 4.0.6, see attachment.
It is always a good idea to upload versions for the mods as separate attachments in case of a change that has bugs.
Thanks squidsk =)