Originally Posted by Zachery
If the table alters are causing that much of a problem, you should probably bring that up.
I did report it several times in some of his other plugins, as you see Fillip below didn't deny it. I don't really like when plugins and addon alter VB database.

like i said i will give your plugin a try for a new project since it won't have that many registered members at its start. At least i can try it without causing my tables to get locked.
But something to consider with all your plugins, big sites would use it if you don't relay on heavily altering the database of VB. Having your site down for 6+ hours isn't really a fun a experience when installing or uninstalling a plugin. Not to mention worrying if your tables gets damages during the process for whatever odd reason.
Originally Posted by ForceHSS
I will stay with dbseo for me there support and plugins are better by far. Just look how vbseo treated its members after closing this alone tells you what type of people runs it
They didn't treat their members bad, their staff just broke down in disagreement and partially it involved a family dispute. This can happen with any company if it doesn't have strong backbone.