Hi great hack! Nice work, but just one thing seems to giving me alittle greif, I hope someone can help.
1st problem is in the weather.php setings where you select your City, if the city is the first one in the region for Country it doesn't seem to goto that straight away, you have to select a different State/Country/City before it will show up.
Say for example I put in Australia/New Zealand as the region, Australia pops up as the default Country but doesn't list a subdevision/state or any citys in the city pull down, you have to then Select New Zealand then change it back to Australia for the Subdevision/State then select a different State for the Citys to show up. Little bit of an annoyance..
2nd is that I seem to be getting a database error sometimes from it. The error is as follows:
Anyways I hope someone can help.