Users of my board can not currently insert vedeo links. It has worked in the past but even previously working posts containing yourtube video links have broken. I had done some general cleanup and upgraded my insert picture .swf file recently and then noticed this situation. I am not sure what the root cause is but users can create normal txt posts in a forum and then the very same user can attempt (in that same forum) to create a post with a video link the post behaves like a broken link. It seems to me that if you preview the post it works fine but when you post and then the post would show each and every time it behaves like a broken link. As said even a post from last week that seemed to be working and showing the video now appears to be broken.
When you try and see the post it returns a page with errors that say:
"The page you requested is NOT AVAILABLE
A general error has occurred "
BTW the link and video still works and exists on youtube. Any ideas on what may have changed would be greatly appreciated.