Originally Posted by addamroy
I just right-clicked it like you said, and copied/pasted the URL into the browser manually to check. I'll PM you.
Take a look at my site-
In the last line of the first post is an auto-link to Amazon.
Right click on it and paste the URL and see what you see... so I am sure it should work.
I'm wondering if maybe you are using the built in Skimlinks integration rather than just putting the line of javascript code in your footer that skimlinks provides- I know the footer code affiliates all links no matter where they are on the page or how they were made.
You know what you could do- and in fact I do on most domains- use the Skimlinks URL shortener to create an affiliate link to Amazon and your other sites, then use that short URL as the URL in Word Links- this was the user clicks on Amazon and they go to http://buyth.at/j9ty2 (or whatever your short URL is.) Then you wouldn't need worry about changing the skimlinks integration and it would even work with people who block javascript.