I just wanted to come back and update this thread...
I worked on some of the issues that vB5 had with some colleagues of mine and worked out some of the issues, but in the end, it just wasn't enough. Because the software platform is so horribly broken, no amount of patching it up with scripts and other workarounds worked.
In the end, a 15 minute install and hour of configuration of IP Board's software yielded me a fully functional board platform that needs no workarounds to get a level of functionality I desired/already had in vB4, that I lost with the transition to vB5. The cost is much less than vB5 as well.
vBulletin should be ashamed at the quality of their current product. They should also be offering refunds for people they sold a bunch of shitty vaporware to as well. We even had our vB5 software "expertly" installed by vBulletin, and that was handled poorly-another cost I wish I could reclaim.
vBulletin: Put this stinker to bed. vB5 is bad for your reputation, bad for board admins.