Ouhhh I've the solution, from Nicolas2000 a moderator of vBulletin-France Team...
The new code to insert into register.php :
PHP Code:
// Sparkz - Send Default PM to new users
if ($defpmactive && ($defpmadminmail || $adminemail)) {
$DB_site->query ("INSERT INTO privatemessage
VALUES (NULL,$userid,$userid," . $defpmuserid . ",'" . addslashes (htmlspecialchars (str_replace ('$username', $username, $defpmsubject))) . "','".addslashes (htmlspecialchars (str_replace ('$username', $username, $defpmbody))) . "',".time().",0,0)");
if ($pmpopup) {
if ($noshutdownfunc) {
$DB_site->query("UPDATE user SET pmpopup=2 WHERE userid='$userid'");
} else {
$shutdownqueries[]="UPDATE user SET pmpopup=2 WHERE userid='$userid'";
// Sparkz - Send Default PM to new users
Modifications in php file :
PHP Code:
$DB_site->query("UPDATE template SET template='$optionstemplate' WHERE title='options'");
Put that on line 34 after } and on line 71 after } .
I test it and it run ! But the installation and un-installation don't work