I suspect there may be mixture of hacks and hack instructions going on: mine and chrispadfield's. They are replacements and should not both be installed.
His template names are email_newthread and email_newthreadsubject. We both use email_newthread. But I used emailsubject_newthread because of existing vB conventions.
My instruction file hasn't changed since 21 March--not even to update the version numbers. Double check which install instructions are being used. (Mine starts out "This hack is similar to the "2.0 Email new thread notifictions to subscribed users" hack by chrispadfield. My hack is a replacement to the Padfield hack. The major differences are:")
Keep in mind that even if the templates were mixed or not even there, emails should still go out. If no templates exist, the email will be blank. (I'm using qmail so blank subjects & bodies are okay. This may not translate to other platforms/emailers.) Also, the thread starter is not notified.
If you still don't figure out, email me a diff of your newthread.php against an unmodified v2.2.5 using "diff -cw".