Originally Posted by mohammad6006
but from yesterday final step is working and not finish
from yesterday proccess reach to 270000 and i dont know how time this step end
and in forum not show old thans under posts
You need to allow the finalise step to finish, no matter how long it takes. If you cancelled it, you need to go to the Maintenance area for this mod and click the Rebuild Button Click Cache.
Originally Posted by zoolander
I don't see anything like that anywhere in my admincp? Am I looking in the right place or is this broken? Is there supposed to be a link for DBTech thanks options in the menu somewhere? If I'm supposed to have a dbtech button can someone tell me how to fix it so I have one?
I'm assuming I need to find it somehow because I don't see any thanks button yet.
Originally Posted by 1only
Where are the permission tab ?
I can't find in usergroup
Also I can't see the buttons on any thread, Do i need a custom configuration ?
Not even on default vb theme.
Add yourself as Super Administrator, refresh the AdminCP and you will see the "DBTech - Post Thanks" Admin menu