Some major mail servers, notably Gmail and Yahoo, have implemented a relatively new process/protocol/whatever called DMARC. This is causing emails sent by our users via our vBulletin, currently 3.8.7 PL 4, (i.e. email to another user, [s]send link to a friend, etc.[/s]) to be rejected.
vBulletin sends such messages with the sender's email address of record in the "From" field of the message. vBulletin does it this way so that the recipient can reply directly to the original sender's email address.
Best as I can make out by examining the online DMARC info, these messages are being rejected because the sending server (i.e. our board's server) does not match the server shown in the user's "From" address.
If this is correct, I *think* this could be corrected by having those user-initiated emails sent with our board's email address in the "From" field, and the sending user's email address in a "Reply-to" field.
Does anybody know how to accomplish this?
[Solution found. See:]