Originally Posted by scottct1
When will this support a listing fee from members to place an ad? I want to have a paid membership option where they have no listing fee and no sales fee. But for those who don't opt for a paid membership they can pay a $2.99 listing fee to place their ad and also have a 2.5% fee on the total amount of their sale.
Our listing fee feature is in beta now. It is due out in the next few weeks. In the meantime, for beta partner sites, we can underwrite listing fees for your members until the feature is released into the production version of Panjo. Email me at
chad@panjo.com and I can see if we can include you in the listing fee beta group.
Originally Posted by scottct1
How do I have items from other sites show in my marketplace? We do electronics and would be interested in having electronics listings from other sites.
This is something we have to do from Panjo HQ. Drop me an email with your site and the kinds of listings you want and we can set up the feed. We support this today.
Originally Posted by scottct1
How do I add my logo to the pages which are not shown from my server? These plain white pages make it look they were hijacked off of my site.
I am not sure which pages you are talking about. Can you send a link with an example to
Originally Posted by scottct1
How do I become a moderator for the listings from my site? Your FAQ explpains how to do it, but I see none of those options on my site or yours.
Again, we do this from Panjo HQ. Drop me an email at
chad@panjo.com with your site and your email and I can go set you as a moderator. We have to do this from HQ due to the fact that some sites have multiple vB admins, not all of whom are entitled to mod access to the marketplace.