Hi everybody!
I set up my forums a long time ago and have not had to make any real adjustments other than adding or deleting individual forums. When I did originally set up the forums, I obviously uploaded the "RANS CLAN" pic and logo that's placed on the upper part of the page (I'm assuming that area is called the 'header'.
The issue now is that when that image is clicked, it directs the user to the same page they are already on (in this case-the forums page). I want to change the link so that it takes the user to my main website. So, currently it is linked to
http://www.ransclan.com/forums and I want to change the link to
I no longer have any clue where I uploaded this pic! I can't find any option anywhere that lets me change the link on the header! (I can't even find where I changed the pic!)
Can you guys help direct me to where I can edit this pic and change the link? I am using VB version 4.1.7
Thank you so much!