Originally Posted by StonePilot
if it's going to be a pain then I'll either give up and switch to xenforo
You are trying to do some custom coding and you do not know how, of course it is going to be a pain!
I do certainly see that you are trying, but we have no idea what code you are adding or exactly where (although I do have a rough idea). Most of us will assist you if you make it easy for us, but this is not a free coding service and you should not expect it to be. Put something together in a form that we do not have to recreate your experiment. Read, edit your post and fill in the blanks and I will see what I can do.
Remember when you are asking for help, you are asking volunteer enthusiasts of vBulletin.org, threatening to leave to xenforo is probably not the best way to warm our hearts or to receive help.
What version of vBulletin?
Board Link?
Give it another whirl and let's see what we can do.