Running 3.8.7 PL3 Tried out this mod with the Dartho's style for a couple of months.
Going to disable this MOD because of a couple quirks and one bug:
1. We use PMs heavily on my forum, and there is a need to maintain the thread of the PMs as the conversation is ongoing. In other words, to maintain what was typed before in the PM as the members M back and forth.
With this tripped down version, seems no way to maintain the thread of the conversation - as PMs are sent back and forth, only what is newly typed is transmitted.
2. In threads, images do not appear right there embedded in the post. Rather, a link
appears that the person may click on to view.
3. Google ads do not appear.
1. When viewing a post, if a person clicks to PM or view the profile of the poster, instead of that poster's profile coming up, the username of one of the members who is very early in the list alphabetically comes up
instead of the username of the poster.