That release date represents major release date of a product. We are providing minor updates to the product quite often. Kindly let us know if you come across any issues. We haven't released any major release since 2012 because we are working on an extensive rewrite of AdiInviter Pro for a very long time. Kindly
contact us if you need more information.
Thank You.
That is not how it works. We just checked Hotmail importer with our accounts and we couldn't regenerate the issue you have mentioned in your reply. Since this topic is dedicated to free version only, can you please PM (or
email) more details about your first try? What message or error you had?
Thank You.
We have been working on an extensive rewrite of AdiInviter Pro software for a very long time. It will be our next major release and it will also have core integration for vBulletin 5.x.
Thank You.