Originally Posted by fxdigi-cash
well, this is strange anyways...
I found the code in the xml file for this plugin that says:
PHP Code:
Thank you for installing <em>Change Author And Date</em>. I've found an additional plugin you'll like. <br /><br /> Forum spam is an epidemic. To get a Free copy of the award winning anti-spam plugin <em>Spam Hammer 3-Series</em>, and use it for 30 days for absolutely nothing, type your email address below
I guess I will avoid this plugin as I see a redirect inside the code to vbresult website...
I downloaded the version 3.0.2 on 8/1/12 and it does not have that code in it. I just checked. You must have downloaded the newer version which is now listed on this mod.
I would be very careful about installing any code with embedded redirects. I'm always cautious about using mods and ALWAYS scan them with Norton.
Also , sometimes when you report mod bugs the mod author asks for admin access to you site to check the mod.
Giving a stranger admin access or any kind of special access to your site is a very bad idea.