Any VaultWiki > MediaWiki tool would be a lossy conversion, since there is a lot of functionality and page types that simply don't exist in MediaWiki. We have not written something like this, but we do plan to eventually have a generic export tool that would export XML or something like that. It is not high on the priority list right now, as it's not one of those every-day features that our users ask for.
Even so, we still have to do some research to see if there is a mostly loss-less format that other wiki software might be able to import.
From what I have seen, it's rare for any software to provide an export function to a competing software. For example, if you search online for a MediaWiki exporter to Dokuwiki, what you will find is:
- a Dokuwiki function that imports MediaWiki
- third parties that wrote scripts to do this
However there is not a script within MediaWiki itself to do this.
If we expect that most software and VaultWiki continues to follow this model, I am not aware if MediaWiki or other potentially intermediate software currently includes a function to import VaultWiki data.
As far as the blank page, it really sounds like a PHP error. You will need to track down the error message by enabling 'display_errors' or viewing your error logs. Once you have the error you can report it here or the VaultWiki site. The VaultWiki site has faster response time.