04-18-2014, 07:09 PM
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Originally Posted by Bunni U
installed, and site suddenly runs incredibly slow, so slow pages are occasionally timing out... Any hints as to settings I can look into or places to start troubleshooting?
my .htaccess is:
php_value memory_limit 96M
php_value upload_max_filesize 60M
php_value post_max_size 60M
# Comment the following line (add '#' at the beginning)
# to disable mod_rewrite functions.
# Please note: you still need to disable the hack in
# the vBSEO control panel to stop url rewrites.
RewriteEngine On
# Some servers require the Rewritebase directive to be
# enabled (remove '#' at the beginning to activate)
# Please note: when enabled, you must include the path
# to your root vB folder (i.e. RewriteBase /forums/)
RewriteBase /
# If you are having problem with "None Could Be Negotiated" errors in Apache, uncomment this to turn off MultiViews
Options -MultiViews
RewriteRule ^((urllist|sitemap_).*\.(xml|txt)(\.gz)?)$ vbseo_sitemap/vbseo_getsitemap.php?sitemap=$1 [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !(admincp/|dbseocp/|modcp/|cron|mobiquo|forumrunner|api\.php)
RewriteRule ^((archive/)?(.*\.php(/.*)?))$ dbseo.php [L,QSA]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !/(admincp|dbseocp|modcp|clientscript|cpstyles|images)/
RewriteRule ^(.+)$ dbseo.php [L,QSA]
any help will be greatly appreciated!
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