A note on the MIN_PACKET (minimum max_allowed_packet value). vBulletin support has in the past recommended at least 32M, and sometimes as much as 128M, to prevent MySQL gone away and other packet-related database errors.
Some users are still using default or host-restricted packet values of 1M, 2M, or even 500K. VaultWiki now uses a dynamic minimum, calculated based on your current forum and expected query size.
The most packet-expensive query in vBulletin is the one that caches phrase translations in columns on the language table. Rather than do this one column at a time, it updates all the columns at once, which quickly uses up all available packet space.
To determine the requirement, VaultWiki builds this query without executing it, and calculates how many bytes it will transfer. If the current max_packet is exceeded, or only has a small margin, then VaultWiki will refuse to install.
If this happens, your only option is to upgrade your max_allowed_packet. There is nothing VaultWiki can do to improve this - as I describe above, max_allowed_packet errors are due to a design flaw in the vBulletin language system.