Originally Posted by Mr.Windows
Is there a way to just delete my account? I no longer participate in the VB community and would rather just remove this vector of internet from attachment to me.
In the future I hope we can make some changes to stop sending these emails to customers and instead send them to a local email address where network admins can keep an eye out. However- with the nature of the way things work here- it won't come soon enough to stop this attack, only hope it won't happen again in the future.
Originally Posted by SyrLinus
Add as they tried again tonight. I will be glad when this OpenSSL issue is addressed.
Not an OpenSSL issue. Completely unrelated- vBulletin.org doesn't use SSL. Even if it did, a brute force attack isn't a symptom of the OpenSSL issue- they would already have the sensitive data, they wouldn't be trying to figure it out.
Originally Posted by sb225
I am too getting a lot of emails from the past, that some one is trying to loginto my account, can you keep my account in safe place.
As long as you have a decently secure password you are safe. Make sure all websites, especially vBulletin.org has a secure (complex/long) and
unique password. The unique part being perhaps the most importing. With a unique password the absolute worst thing a hacker could do is post as you- which isn't high on the severity meter.
Originally Posted by teou
The conclusion: VB Staff, please disable email spam, thank you.
We hear you and will do something as soon as we can, but it won't be today unfortunately.