Originally Posted by X-or
Does not mean nobody got hacked, just that nobody reported yet. I have looked in my user CP, there is a paypal email address field, maybe that's what the hackers are after. If they can get both a password and a paypal email address, it's potentially very dangerous. There is also the homepage field that can be potentially very dangerous. I recommend people to blank these fields if no measures are going to be taken.
As was mentioned multiple times, if your password is secure, you have nothing to worry about. You do realize that this happens on every account you have across the internet, right? Daily. It's just vBulletin has a built in notification process when it happens. Most places, you'd never know unless you have an awful password. Seriously, though. Knowing your PayPal email address is about as potentially dangerous as someone knowing your last name. Everyone we did business with already knows it.
We really have to stop this paranoia every time hacking bots randomly pick this site as a target. Everything that can be done on the administration end has been done. Now you have to secure your password, just like you would everywhere else on the web. I can't understand why this doesn't sink in.