Well. Fact is: It is simply impossible that you see a different userid in the profile's url than there is in the database. Simply because that very userid from the url is used by vB to identifiy what line of data to read from the database to render the profile page. If there's 2290 in the URL, there simply is no way that vB read the data from line 2289 in the database. Except you wrote a plugin that changed the userid along the way, but then none of your profiles would work at all.
You're simply making no sense, and since you obviously have messed with the user table, changing userids around, in all probability you simply got lost. Of course, your, let's say incoherent way of describing the problem and the steps you tried to resolve it in this thread are not exactly helpful to follow the issue at all.
And this has nothing to do with ignorance - it's just that what you describe is really, really hard to believe if one knows how things work.