Originally posted by Modshack
Sinecure I class in the same light as those who sell hacks as he has sold styles before today, same thing realy as he is using his position to make money from something that is essentialy free.
Using my position to make money from something that is free? Well what "position" you are refering to I have no idea. It's ok to put tons of hours into a design and sell it, but once that design "can" be used for vBulletin it should now be "Free"? I released a Christmas style for free for everyone to use, and that was my contribution. I also posted template modifying tips etc. I sell one Style and all of a sudden your portarying me as someone who only does it for the money? I take these comments quite personally. Maybe take a look at all the things I've done for the community, rather than just that 1 xbox style I sold. How many button sets to do I have avaiable for people to download? Do you know how many hours I put into those button sets so people can use? A lot more than you'd think.