Originally Posted by Lynne
The plugin code has been posted several time. Do a search on "str_replace" and you should find it.
I was looking in 4.x mods and failed to find one before this thread. I did find 3.x "mods" in this forum thanks to you because you gave me "str_replace". Thanks.
Originally Posted by Thangvip9x
You can using hook postbit_display_complete
PHP Code:
$1=array( 'ROTFL','rotfl','cat','idiot' ); $2=array( 'Rolling on floor laughing','Rolling on floor laughing','dog','i'm an idiot' ); $this->post['message'] = str_replace($1, $2, $this->post['message']);
It will replace your word when view post, it won't replace from database
If you want replace from database, you can use SQL
[SQL]UPDATE post SET pagetext = replace(pagetext, "cat", "dog");[/SQL]
If you want, i can write product and attachment to my post
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Product may be not needed but I have problems running this code.
I did add a new plugin, selected location - postbit_display_complete I did add this code:
'new test1','new test2','new test3'
$this->post['message'] = str_replace($1, $2, $this->post['message']);
But it ain't working. What should I do?