Third party login mod (google, yahoo, twitter, soundcloud, etc)
I believe vbulletin desperately needs improvements to its login and registration system and I would to suggest a mod allowing users to either login using third party credentials like google, twitter, yahoo, soundcloud or the like. It could either connect their credentials to a local vbulletin account (like Facebook connect) or allow them to post as authenticated guests without having to do anything at all where they could start posting immediately...
I did some testing with a Java script commenting system which works similarly and participation levels shot up very significantly, although ultimately the system was detracting from vbulletin and had to be removed. My observation is there appear to be a lot of floating users out there who might participate in our forilums if it were made easier...
Anyway I would like to raise some interest around developing such a mod which I think could really help forum owner capitalize on the popularity of social media...