Originally Posted by Alan_SP
Well, I'm using old (v3) version of VW, and I can say that support you get from developer is great.
Really? They haven't responded yet on their main site. Not even approved my thread there. I guess they're too busy.
Originally Posted by Alan_SP
In case of a bug, you'll pretty soon receive code you need to change, so you don't need to upload new version.
That's cool.
Originally Posted by Alan_SP
This version (v4) probably would need some more time to reach full stability, but has some great options.
And why should I use VaultWiki over MediaWiki? I don't like the proprietary EULA of VaultWiki. I prefer the GNU GPL, but I understand they're doing this because they want to be able to charge for the premium version. However, they could just do donations instead, would be much better.
In any case, I'd like to know if there's a license option for the content created in VaultWiki. Using MediaWiki, one can choose between the GFDL or Creative Commons, how does that work with VW?