Originally Posted by Replicators
^I have not seen any of these features added ever since the mod has launched like 3 or 4 years ago? It seem's you guys are more worried about the most newest one you made, than older addons. For example, the newest ones you make i see tons and tons of updates for, but when new ones are made you will forget the current ones in favor of any new ones you made.
Now maybe forumon just has not gotten as big as you hoped it would be and don't feel it is worth putting time into it in which i can understand however maybe it's not big for a reason? I think if you guys really got down to business, get someone who has created online rpg games and worked together to sculpt a mod that is actually worth it to these people then you might see a rise in popularity with it. Heck, just adding pvp would help!
Generally with our mods we will update those with the most feature requests/popularity most often. For instance, we updated Advanced Post Thanks/Likes 5 or 6 times in the last year, including in the last couple of weeks, despite it being one of the first mods we ever released.
Forumon is a very time/energy intensive piece of work to update/improve. It was probably either the most, or second most, labour-intensive mod we have ever created. Despite that huge initial time investment, it hasn't proven as popular as we would like, and it remains one of the mods with the least feature requests from customers.
The proliferation of free-to-play MMO games has led to a significant decline in the popularity of single-site solutions like Forumon. Unfortunately we cannot afford to just commit months of time and resources to an unpopular mod. If that changes, and/or existing customers come up with feature requests that we can implement in a reasonable time-frame, we shall.
We have amended the original post to remove that wording, since it is inaccurate at the moment. Thanks for pointing it out.