Originally Posted by katie hunter
their staff didn't like someone who is active on their community and critic their product yet that person didn't buy their product, they would rather get rid of that person.
I don't think thats true at all.
I believe you were originally warned or placed into moderation over this thread:
http://xenforo.com/community/threads...xenforo.64602/ If I recall you kept re-posting it after it was locked, and then posted something up about the staff, both of which are against the rules (though looks like theyve deleted all those extra threads), so you only had yourself to blame for that.
You then only noticed recently as evident from your recent posts here and kicked off about it. You posted snippets from a ticket with the staff, but i'm pretty sure you only showed the ticket replies that backed up your arguements, for the staff to go from having you in moderation to deciding to ban your account, you must have done or said something to antagonise and provoke the situation.
Maybe post the whole ticket up? So we can see what really happened and not just your choice clippings.
Anyway what am I getting at. I don't think any of your arguements are valid, they're just what you want to post to try and rubbish XenForo due to them banning you for your own fault.