Originally Posted by digitalpoint
Hopefully you are right, but so far the vBulletin marketshare bleed hasn't even started to slow down.
In the "big vendor" commercial forum market space (vBulletin, Invision and XenForo), vBulletin is still the leader by a good amount. But at the same time, they have lost 10% of the entire industry in the last 6 months.
Either way, I'm still hoping vBulletin does something amazing and is able to reverse the trend.
What I find interesting is that instead of the main
(and disputably the only relevant) focus be about releasing a quality, usable product in vB 5.1.0 --- It seems the focus was squarely aimed at the vBCloud option.
I too hope vBulletin will do something amazing. That hope is slowly fading though, as we continually see IB's inept handling of the vBulletin script!
Originally Posted by Necrovaris
But seems pointless to continue this discussion, you seem so blinded by your hatred of XenForo, you only see what you want to see 
Couldn't have said this better.
I personally find it interestingly mind-boggling that someone would so blindly hang their hat on a software (vB 5) that
may get better or may become production usable in a year or two, the whole criticizing the most prominent figures who helped create what arguably is the best series vBulletin: 3.x
Originally Posted by squidsk
You do realize the naivety of this statement right. Software that is released for use (i.e. not beta) should be stable and run without problems ... To say that you aren't upgrading to vb5 for 2+ years from release says a ton about the quality of the software....
Could you imagine if say some software was release in 2014 but it wasn't usable until 2018? How many people are going to buy the product?
Nice post.
If DP's cookie chart is a true representation of what's really going on --
and I have no reason to disbelieve its validity -- vBulletin's market share has taken a huge 10% dive in only the last 6 months. These are disastrous numbers for a script that has been considered THE ABSOLUTE BEST since it's inception... until IB took over and bombarded the world with the vBulletin 4 Gold flop.
To answer your questions above:
1. Certainly I can imagine.
2. Nobody.