Originally Posted by katie hunter
I never moved my site to vb 5.x because as of now vb 4.x is perfect for me and my users, while vb 5.x needs another year or so to shape up better.
You do realize the naivety of this statement right. Software that is released for use (i.e. not beta) should be stable and run without problems, not necessarily bug free since that's impossible. To say that you aren't upgrading to vb5 for 2+ years from release says a ton about the quality of the software, especially when you are saying the main reason you aren't moving is because it isn't yet good enough a year after release.
Just like i never moved to vb 4.x when it came out, i only moved from vb 3.7.6 to vb 4.x just last year when i felt that it is completely stable now and i won't face issues. I am not someone who rushes and try to test out products, i usually give it a good 2 years or so to see everyone's feedback.
Again what does it say about the software if it took 4 years from release before you thought it was stable enough for you to use on a live site.
Could you imagine if say some software was release in 2014 but it wasn't usable until 2018? How many people are going to buy the product? How many of the people that do buy the product are going to hang around and buy the next version that gets released afterwards? How many are going to hang around for a third version after the second one is the same way? That's not a reasonable way to run a business since you have no income stream, or at least minimal income stream, for four years after a release.
While I want to use VB 5.x for a new project, i can't right now, and my option is looking at Discourse forum but a year or two later, i will see where vb 5.x is at.
You really summuarize vb5 by saying I can't use it now because it isn't good enough, but I'll hope it'll better in a year or two. No software can survive if that is the opinion of the people who are suppose to be using it, and you're a strong supporter of the software who's willing to stick around. Most people aren't going to stick around for 2-3 years after release (we're already 1 year past release now) to see if the software actually becomes usable, they're going to find alternatives.