I myself don't care to be giving other people money that is earned from MY WEBSITE traffic. Instead, I researched different programs on google and there are many choices. Yes, you will have to pay for a solution but it is better than paying a percentage of your earned income to another site. It also requires that you do some legwork and research.
Originally Posted by mokujin
It's unbelievable that forums.digitalpoint.com has moved to XenForo :-(
I don't know why you are so surprised. Many of us are slowly making the switch. I personally can't stand the newest vb and think the devs are incompetent since the fix for the php5 issues still surround vb4. I waited patiently for over a year myself for the fix to the doublepost issue, which they are 100% aware of JUST from me ,and yet it still exists. I have been a vb license holder for 12 years and purchased my first xenforo license last week. I will never return to vBulletin once I migrate all of my websites. Vbulletin has turned into a humorless joke in my opinion.