Originally Posted by ReMarkable1991
Thanks it seems to at least not display the errors anymore at php 5.4, not sure if it is a good fix since errors still exist but most seems to be working fine so yeah.
However I found another bug/glitch, I have this on both regular install without skip errors with 5.3 and with on 5.4. When I go to a ladder and use the search function it works like intended that the list gets smaller and smaller the more you fill in (so u get closer to the name u try o find). However if you press on one of the names it goes to a invalid page.
It is rather obvious what the bug is (twice ladders.php), however i also make me wonder every name is linked to id=1 an page=1, the ladder only has 10 names on it currently and max per page is 20 by default I believe. So the search function only search for the page that name is one?
Fixed in attached ladders.php
Originally Posted by ReMarkable1991
Also when using match finder I have enabled that opponent can see the name of the person who is using the match finder. However that is exactly the only thing it does. You can't click the name to see profile and it doesn't display his elo rating for that ladder.
Is there any demo or live website of a website that uses the premium version of the match finder? Cause I am confused what is different in that version and if it offers those things(profile and display ELO/exp etc.)
I have updated link in attached product file, to show stats rather than redirect to user profile