Q: Why are you hosting the header image 3rd party? This call:
HTML Code:
URL: http://i.imgur.com/aLaPN7L.jpg
Ok... Overall effect is pleasing. I was taken aback temporarily by the orange catbg bars but combined with the forum icons and the "cloth" background, it is altogether a nice effect and fits with the niche.
I would combine "Love, Sex and Relationships" with "Soul, Mind and Body" and find a clever name for the category, since these all go together.

You have a bit too many categories and forums and I would be looking to consolidate them where feasible. Example: I would make 'member photos,' 'dreadtube' and 'room 101' subforums of 'general chat.' Just shorten the page a little bit.
Overall it's a nice looking site - I've definitely seen alot worse, good job.
I won't go into the plethora of optimization work it needs since I see my pupil in that arena is already on the job! But will let you know that 1.5 megabytes is way too heavy.

Try to lose at least 600 kilobytes.