At the risk of getting accused of bumping my own thread ... I'd like to precise, if it is not obvious already, that what I am looking for is in fact a mean, any mean, of adequately measuring participation at my site. And penalize (or ban) members not participating enough.We are a site mainly based on the uploading of photos and videos. To us, participation means uploading or thanking the uploaders (via replies, or use of the thanks button). So the posts per day average is not necessarily the best way to measure participation, but it's a good one, and I thought it would be an easy enough request that could appeal to other sites owners wanting to measure participation at their site.
This being said, if what I ask is not the flavour of the day, then what is ? I regularly browse for any vBulletin modification relative to measuring participation, and the only one I have ever found is vBExperience, which I find way too much complicated for my taste. Does anyone have anything else to suggest ?
Thanks for your help.