Originally Posted by TheLastSuperman
I believe Elite is correct they use something else to power the main site, you can just tell it's not vBulletin then view the source code to confirm. So this is one of those times you say, am I using the right thing for my front-end? If you feel a change is in order then looking into different CMS systems may be what you should do. - Can you make a vBulletin style resemble their site? Yes but it would take some work.
- Can you create widgets or forum sidebar blocks for login to use on your forum like on their cms system? Yes but again a little work involved or not, I believe there are free template mods and such on here showing you how to do that if I recall correctly.
had a look at the source code but couldn't pin point the exact site.
I have had a look at a couple of other CMS platforms to do this. Its now a case of working out which its going to be the most cost effective and best results to weight it up.
its getting a bit overwhelming tonight, so im gonna sleep on it now. Been playing around with vB CMS.
expect i'll have to find some developer who can give a quote at some point for all the different mods/style changes to make it do those things. urrg... bed time