Originally Posted by JacquiiDesigns
.... If I might ask - what are you finding so difficult to accomplish in XF's AdminCP?
Lol, pretty much everything really, I've been with vb since 2005 I think, I had a small dabble with SMF but vb is pretty much all I know. At this moment in time (and I haven't been able to play with it too much) I can hardly do anything, my interest is in coding, with vb you have the plugin system and its pretty straight forward to code for it, as yet I haven't found how to do it in xf. When I wanted to change the look of a forum it seemed as difficult as finding the plugin system
When time allows i'll be able to examine other things that folk have done, add them to my xf installation (its not public it's just for play and coding) and then try and work out how they've done it.