Those inherit the link color by default, previously a while back in older versions of 4 there was a specific stylevar for that but since removed... try adding this to additional.css template:
.forumtitle a {
color:#FF0000 !important;
.forumtitle a:hover {
color:#FF4400 !important;
Now the subforumdescription is normally in the next location however in your screenshot I can tell its a custom style and that is the lastpostby title instead so try this in additional.css as well:
.threadtitle a {
color:#FF0000 !important;
.threadtitle a:hover {
color:#FF4400 !important;
Without having access to the style to see how they customized it further I can't say for sure (try to always include a site link AND screenshot w/ an arrow or somehting pointing to the area in question) and yes these changes to the above definitions may change the css in other areas of the site who utilize the shared css. You can bypass this typically using a plugin to insert css overwrites ONLY on certain pages... I'll try to have my new article about that up sooner rather than later just been busy as of late is all
