Originally Posted by dariyos
i need more banner statistics
i want daily statistics for each banner, were i can select the name of the banner
...then shows up the pageviews & clicks per month, day, week, and total.
is that possible?
now it shows only the total statistics from first to last click, that is not enough information.
All you need is found in the rbs_hits table. You may extract all information by entering some queries from phpmyadmin
This query gives you, for example, a daily count of clicks on all banners:
SELECT h.dateline-MOD(h.dateline, 86400) AS dateline, COUNT(*) AS cnt
FROM rbs_banners b
LEFT JOIN rbs_hits h ON b.id = h.bannerid
GROUP BY h.dateline-MOD(h.dateline, 86400)
ORDER BY h.dateline