Originally posted by Webmasta XT
if thats someones real IP address they can get hacked, anywayz nice hack man, get it hacked and hack, LOL!
Its my IP, and I dont really care
Originally posted by Sparkz
Umm, why would posting a picture of the IP make any difference?
There are tools out there that let you probe as many IP's as you want. Any real hackers/crackers will use tools like that. And if someone are really out to get you, it doesn't matter what kind of security-precautions you make
Indeed, anyone that really wants to do me some harm wouldnt rely on some stupid pic I posted

I dont worry about it, I really dont care infact. lol
I sit on irc 24/7, host a fiew bots aswell as several other servers with this computer. People for some reason think that as soon as an IP is posted on the internet someone is going to hack that person out of nowhere. Silly ppl ;p :bunny: