Originally Posted by jesse202
When posting an article, file dbseo.php hammers the server until the server goes down. I've tried disabling url rewrite for articles. It still happens. Looks like it makes a ton of threads in vbcms comments too.
This will be fixed in v1.0.8
Originally Posted by highlander29
Installed this last night and it broke all kinds of links on the forum. Had to disable it. Complaints from members:
I get a broken link icon in place of everyone's avatar
When I try to view my profile it says "page not found"
Clicking on some forums yields the following message: "Invalid Forum specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator." but I can still get to individual threads in those forums
When I click on the Official Decrees or Feedback subforums I get the message "Invalid forum specified."
When I click on the Forum link it takes me to the home page instead.
Are you sure you edited your .htaccess file?
Are you running any full page caching like CloudFlare?
Are you using the "Component URLs" features in vB?
Did you set vB's Friendly URL library to Standard URLs?