Originally Posted by mike76
Thank you for responding! I've been trying to understand what you're meaning for about an hour now and can't seem to grasp it. I'm in 'View PHP' as stated, but I'm seeing things like below, and 'IF' those are what you're referring to, which I honestly highly doubt, I look over on the Server and don't see any that look look similar to where I could load the file to.
_SERVER["REAL_DOCUMENT_ROOT"] /var/chroot/home/content/
_SERVER["SUBDOMAIN_DOCUMENT_ROOT"] /var/chroot/home/content/
_SERVER["PARENT_DOCUMENT_ROOT"] /var/chroot/home/content/
Thank you very much!
In my PHP configuration my pathway is this:
DOCUMENT_ROOT /home/ultimate/public_html
So if you need to know what the root of your server for your page is that will give you the info you need just look for DOCUMENT_ROOT in the PHP Info page.
Are you trying to install this mod? If so then you need to use the FTP to upload your files and to get started in installing the mod. You upload the files into your forum directory. That is where ever your forum resides whether its in the root or its in a directory called forum, forums, board etc. In order to use the FTP feature you will need a FTP program I suggest
Filezilla if its not something you use everyday, Its free and works on ANY OS (Windows, Mac, Linux).
Originally Posted by Mark Hewitt
I this still an active project? It looks good, but I don't want to buy into something which isn't still being actively developed. I ask because the vbsocial.com site has lots of broken links and videos which don't work etc which gives the impression of an abandoned project?
Yes they recently changed servers and they had said there were some things they were working on and fixing. So far David has helped me with the issues I had on my site. They were slow to reply because of the recent server change.