Originally Posted by HM666
public_html refers to your directory structure on your host. your directory structure maybe different from what is listed. public_html is the norm but not all hosts use that. Some use www instead or home. To find your directory structure if you scroll down after expanding your left side menu in the admincp you will see "View PHP Info" click that and then scroll almost to the bottom to find your root directory.
Thank you for responding! I've been trying to understand what you're meaning for about an hour now and can't seem to grasp it. I'm in 'View PHP' as stated, but I'm seeing things like below, and
'IF' those are what you're referring to,
which I honestly highly doubt, I look over on the Server and don't see any that look look similar to where I could load the file to.
_SERVER["REAL_DOCUMENT_ROOT"] /var/chroot/home/content/
_SERVER["SUBDOMAIN_DOCUMENT_ROOT"] /var/chroot/home/content/
_SERVER["PARENT_DOCUMENT_ROOT"] /var/chroot/home/content/
Thank you very much!