Originally Posted by discipleinc
Image and video issues. Users can not upload videos or pictures with out issue.
Sometimes you go back to a thread and images or videos are missing.
Avatar issues.
Mobile issues, even with tapatalk.
Little things like that. But they keep the users from wanting to come back because of how difficult it is to make a post. Even lost a site sponsor because they could not post pictures of their product. Just had one of my moderators vote to downgrade and start over.
I am thinking this is the route we want to take, but is there ANY way to salvage our content? Will all of our users have to RE-register?
--------------- Added 14 Mar 2014 at 11:21 ---------------
This is what I keep hearing but no one has a solution on how exactly to fix them. I am not a programmer, I am an average Joe who would like to build a forum for a community of people. I believe there is success in this and it will be a very big forum in the future, not with set backs like this though.
First, lets start with the images / videos.
You should have no issues uploading either, assuming you had no issues uploading them in 4.
Check your attachment settings: AdminCP > Attachments > Attachment MAnager
Are all of your attachment types setup to be large enough to host the images users want? vBulletin 3/4 will attempt to resize images to fit to the limits, 5 has a bug where it is not. Though this is either corrected in 5.1.0 or 5.1.1, I don't remember which off the top of my head, but I suspect its 5.1.1.
I've never heard of images, or videos disappearing from a thread before.
What specific issue with avatars?
Can you try upgrading to 5.1.0?