Originally Posted by ForceHSS
I am happy to install vb4 for you for free as i know all the problems you have been having
I really do appreciate everything you have done for me. I appreciate your offer too. I am still just on the fence about this entire situation.
Originally Posted by y2ksw
With all my respect, I believe IB will not invest a single penny into up- and downgrading tools. However if there are quite some people interested, I could give it a shot for downgrading.
Nevertheless I firmly (still) object the selling of vb5 as stable and refuse to sell vb4, while vb5 is still very weak and at the time wasn't much more than a popped beta. I acquired myself a vb5 license but haven't tried it since beta testing, just because I still have the feeling it is going to be a historical flop. IB has the difficult task to keep the customers kicking, while they kick their developers, more or less literally, to higher levels of software consciousness 
I wish they would have had a warning at the purchase or even install about it still being a beta software or that there are still bugs running rampant. I URGE any one installing VB to run for your life as far away as possible from VB5. The only reason I am still running it is because I have members and content that I do not want to lose.
How would downgrade and still manage to keep my content and registered users? How possible is this?