my admincp folder is still the same foldername sir..
i viewed the zip wich i upload and extracted and this is the contain files..
Length Date Time Name
-------- ---- ---- ----
0 10-05-11 11:18 images/
0 10-05-11 11:18 images/raffles/
20303 03-31-11 16:12 images/raffles/default.gif
1000 05-02-11 10:55 images/raffles/raffle.png
0 10-05-11 11:18 includes/
0 10-05-11 11:18 includes/cron/
11386 10-06-11 15:27 includes/cron/raffledraw.php
601 10-06-11 15:26 includes/functions_raffles.php
0 10-05-11 11:18 includes/xml/
242 04-28-11 16:29 includes/xml/bitfield_raffles.xml
718 10-06-11 15:22 includes/xml/cpnav_raffles.xml
876 10-04-11 18:00 includes/xml/hooks_raffles.xml
25375 10-06-11 15:26 raffles.php
0 10-05-11 11:18 admincp/
30250 10-06-11 07:32 admincp/raffleadmin.php
-------- -------
90751 15 files