I found two bugs:
1. If you're a staff member (Kier for example) and mention a regular user (Mike for example) in a post inside staff only forums Mike will not get the alert through vBulletin's notifications system but at his profile he will see something like this:
17:46 - Kier mentioned Mike in post
If Mike doesn't have permissions to see that post you shouldn't add that information to his profile.
2. There is a problem when using your hack alongside
this one. If for example Kier open a new thread and mention Mike, after posting the thread Mike gets the notification so everything is OK until now. But then if Kier replies to his own thread mentioning Mike again (just as an example) the Doublepost Prevention hack will automatically merge both posts and Mike will get a new notification and at his profile you'll see this:
18:40 - Kier mentioned Mike in post Deleted Posts (deleted_posts phrase)
And the same thing will appear at Kier's profile.
And I got some questions:
1. There is a new item in the notifications drop-down menu called "New Hash Tags". How do I disable that functionality? I have globally disabled
"Tags" and "Quotes" features but this one is still there. I just want to use the mentions functionality, nothing more.
2. Where is the statistics page? What's the URL?
3. At the Mentions tab in user profiles you can see your own mentions I mean you see stuff like
"$your_username mentioned someone in post $thread_title". Is there an easy way to hide that? I just want to see mentions other users made about me, not the ones I made for other people.