Hello folks,
After a few months of nudging around in Xenforo, I can only reach upto one conclusion that is -
1. Xenforo is stylish, atleast more stylish than vb.
2. Xenforo is modern and gives a sleek feeling.
3. Xenforo is good for a normal community (as of now) but not good for my requirements and what I desire.
1. vBulletin is still the best forum software out there.
2. vBulletin is dying, please save it, maybe relaunching a new version of the vB4 version which could support both vb3 code and vb4 code with a modern approach like xenforo is the solution (in my opinion)
3. vBulletin has many more mods and customization is easier that's why am back here.
4. vBulletin needs to change its interface big time.
Anyways, coming back to the purpose. I am looking to convert back to vb 4.2 from xenforo 1.2.
Does this module support this? ->
If not, how do I do this?