Originally Posted by My Hattiesburg
I inserted the google code directly into the head include template. After looking, though, I just discovered that I had not included it in another skin that I'm working on, but that skin is not used much right now.
As for all the pages not being indexed, a few months back we were getting slammed by spam bots and I'm not sure what else. Our server loads were running real high at times and at some points got so high that it shut the site down. I was looking here at vb.org for any kind of answer as well as getting our tech guy to pore over the server looking for anything that we could do to fix it. I added a couple of mods to block the spam bots and also modified my robots.txt file as someone here had recommended. After looking at the robots.txt file it's not blocking as many pages as I thought it might be so the analytics stats wasn't missing that much.
At this point I really don't know what to think. I do think that it's highly unlikely that 2 ads together are getting 1 million impressions a month on our site. Because of this we decided to offer ads on a monthly rate instead of by impressions. We were going to offer them at $1.50/thousand then changed it to $1.00 but at that rate my ad would cost me $500/month with the number of impressions it's gotten. There's no way I can justify that.
Yeah. But bots are server issues and firewalling is one of the tasks which one way or another should be covered from your hosting provider. There are a few giveaway tips, but most aren't. One of them are fail2ban filters on apache records