Originally Posted by allbuffs
I've actually never cared for the video. I browse the interwebs with adblockers and a flashblocker. I may look for a new RSS Bot that downloads the picture and resizes it locally.
Do you think it'd be better to serve the JS on our server? I've never been a fan of requesting it on another site, but I'm a software dev, not a web developer by profession.
I can't believe how many ad networks we use?!? I want to cut that down, but that's how we run our site besides $15/year memberships.
RE: The bolded. I recommend getting rid of all 3rd party calls possible where scripts are concerned. The "poor man's CDN" of hosting things like JS on a 3rd party doesn't help and never has. The compressed JS would load just fine locally.
With the amount of 3rd party adverts and other monetization you have though, I'd recommend finding a good CDN - Cloudflare would actually help your site, whereas it's not worth having for others which are not so heavily monetized. Make DAMN sure that every 3rd party advert call is actually bringing in revenue. If not, drop it.
But you need to start with optimizing all your images.
And using .htaccess to force caching of static content. And yes, getting rid of the 1.2 mb video. Even if you hosted the video on YouTube and just embedded it on the site it would cut the load way down for it and not freeze the browser while it loads.
Monetizing a site is always going to involve 3rd party stuff, it's the nature of the beast. And there's not a whole lot you can do to improve results with it - but the 302 errors coming from them need to be addressed, with them.
I don't envy you, your task.