Also the comparison of bug reports are illogical.
Xenforo is new with limited features and resources, and it is bound to presumably have less bugs than Vbulletin. Unlike Vbulletin which has extensive features.
Xenforo's "Resolved Bug Reports"
category is filed with topics with prefixes such as "Duplicate" bug ,"Not a bug" hence it is not accurate at all, just a bunch of topics with reported issues.
42 Pages of "Not a bug" that gets put in the "Resolved Bug Reports" section , and 22 pages of "Duplicate" bugs (why not merge?), how is that an accurate report. It is a broken system.
Not to mention the "Cannot Reproduce" prefix is 8 pages! (8 x 20) around 160 bugs which can't be reproduced. Why would they ever move all these bugs if they can't reproduce them, why move them to the "Resolved Bug Reports" category - they aren't resolved bugs. Just tells me how much XF is accurate with their bug #'s // sarc
VB bug tracker always merges duplicate bugs and their bug report is more precise.